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Growing up, one of my favorite Christmas traditions was making our own Christmas ornaments! Of course, we made fun paper ones or silly things to put on the tree. But these ornaments took a bit more time, would last for years, and were given out as gifts! Everyone in our family would get one, along with friends, neighbors, teachers, the mailman, and anyone else that came to mind.
I have a family of my own now, but to this day, I still see ornaments that my sisters and I made up on people’s trees!
This Christmas tradition is one that I have carried on with my children. I love seeing ornaments from the past years up on our tree!
Start your own family ornament tradition this year! Remember to save one ornament back for each of your children to have one day as well.
Below, you can find what we made for this year!

What You Need:
- Wooden Gift Tags
- Paint Sticks
- Tree Stamp
- Ink Pad
- Sharpie
If you have yet to learn about paint sticks, then you are in for a treat! They are fantastic for kids of all ages! The paint goes on more like a maker, but it still is paint! It takes about 90 seconds for the paint to dry, which is enough time for adults/older kids to do some shading or different techniques with the paint. We recommend these paint sticks!
For the wooden gift tags, check out your local hobby stores or find them online here!
How to Make:
Mom Moment: Remember to let your child/children truly color and make them! It can be so tempting to do things for them, especially if you plan on making a specific design for each one. But it really is so much cuter and meaningful when they do it themselves! Someday, when you see them on your tree, you will love them that much more!
- Use paint sticks to color one side of the gift tag. For younger children, let them go wild! For those with older children, you can have them draw whatever things you would like!
- Stamp the tree on the back once the paint is dry.
- Write down your family name (Parker Crew, Thompson Girls, Drew Siblings, etc.) and the year on the back.

That’s it! It could not be more simple. Enjoy crafting with your kiddos!