Meet the Wittrock Family! Brandon,Liz, Damon, Kensi, Gwen, JD, and Arcadia
We love that the Familyfest Fun Cruise provides families with the chance to discover new opportunities here in the Sioux Empire. The Familyfest Fun Cruise has something for everyone! Maybe you are a newcomer to the area and looking for information on family-friendly activities, or you are a parent of growing children on the lookout for new opportunities. With something for everyone, we are confident that you will have a great time! To learn more about this year’s cruise, click here!
Liz and Brandon Wittrock’s family has been taking part in the Familyfest Fun Cruise since it started! We asked them why they love Familyfest and to give us their best tips for doing the Fun Cruise with a younger family.
Why does your family enjoy participating in the Familyfest Fun Cruise?
We love to support our local businesses and discover new things to see and do! My kids have also inherited my luck when it comes to giveaways, and the joy of freebies can’t be beat. As the years have gone on, it’s been so fun to run into our friends while we are out and about as well!

What are your tips and tricks for participating in Familyfest with younger children?
With the current set up of Familyfest having multiple “core” zones around town for activities – if you are going with younger kiddos I would definitely suggest choosing one (or two) of those clusters to enjoy and not try to set out to hit everywhere! Let the kids take their time enjoying the activities the businesses and organizations have put so much time and thought into!
Why should other families join in on the Cruise this year?
Aren’t you always looking for something cheap, fun and new to do?! Let ‘hood and Familyfest make it simple! Not only will you have this day covered, you’ll come away with so many more ideas of things to do and places to go for the rest of the summer (and beyond)!
Why do you love being in the Sioux Falls Area?
We are so blessed to be in a community that supports small and local businesses! The ‘hood Magazine and Familyfest are such an asset for our growing families in the Sioux Falls area!