Welcome to the adventure-filled world of Scouting! Scouting is an engaging and rewarding activity that provides youth with opportunities to explore the outdoors, develop leadership skills, and make lifelong friendships. Through a variety of activities and programs, Scouting helps young people grow into responsible, active citizens who are prepared for life.

Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons

Girl Scouts provides every girl the opportunity to build courage, confidence, and character to make the world a better place. We offer programs to meet girls where they are and how they want to participate. Girls can join a troop for the traditional Girl Scout experience or go solo by earning badges and attending programs independently. Girl Scouts is made to fit her interests and her schedule. Available for girls in grades K-12, we offer a diverse range of age-appropriate programs and activities year-round, including our entrepreneurial programs, unique outdoor camps, and community service opportunities. $25 yearly membership

AGES: 5-14+

REGISTRATION: Girls can join Girl Scouts at any time throughout the year. We offer a variety of programs yearlong, including the Girl Scout Cookie Program which runs February-March and our outdoor camp season, which is May-August. 

More Local Scouting Programs

Boy Scouts of America, Sioux Council

Trail Life (Boys)