Kids Fishing Day at Lake Pahoja
2025 Kids Fishing Day with Lyon County Conservation in Inwood, IA at Lake Pahoja
This long-standing tradition is all about the kids and provides them with the opportunity to learn and experience ice fishing. This is the perfect way to try something new or show your skills. If you haven’t ice-fished before, let us know when you register, and we’ll set you up with an experienced staff member or volunteer along with tackle.
FREE Registration will begin at 2:30pm in the East Shelter. (NO EARLY REGISTRATION) You must register to be eligible for prizes. Special prizes for youth with most fish caught, largest, and gift bags for all participants.
Bait will be provided for youth participants at the time of registstration. Remember to bring a bucket or chair to sit on and dress warm!!
Participants 16 and older must have a fishing license.
Bluegill must be 5″ or bigger, walleye and bass must be 15″ or bigger.