Art Exploration Presented by Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation
Does your child love to explore their creative side? Do they like to try new things? In our Art Exploration series, your little one can do just that as they are guided through fun, hands-on activities designed to unleash their imagination and kickstart their artistic journey. This series is a creative playground for your child where each session will focus on experimenting with different kinds of art! Week one we will be learning how to use stencils to make fruits and shapes! Week two it’s all about bright colors, we will go through the colors to make your art stand out and practice staying in the lines with markers and colored pencils. Week three we’ll put pencil to paper and create simple pictures with land and sea animals like turtles and dogs, we’ll also explore the art of doodling! Week 4 is all about getting creative, choose from different forms of art like clay and playdough to make your own or choose from one of our ideas with a winter theme! All materials needed will be provided.
*Activity is free with daily admission or active westside recreation pass.