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In every issue of the ‘hood Magazine, we ask local experts questions that are helpful for our community! This Ask the Expert was printed in the March 2025 Issue of ‘hood. Check out the full digital issue at the link! 

Question: Would Your Child Benefit From OT? 

As a cash-based pediatric occupational therapist specializing in sensory processing disorders (SPD), I often guide parents to trust their instincts when they notice their child struggling in daily life.

Since every child is unique, here are some key signs that your child may benefit from occupational therapy (OT):

1. Sensory Processing Challenges

Your child may: Overreact to sounds, lights, textures, or movement (e.g., covers ears for everyday noises, refuses certain clothing). Underreact and seek out intense input (e.g., constantly spinning, crashing into things, biting objects). Struggle with self-regulation, leading to frequent meltdowns or shutdowns.

2. Emotional & Social Difficulties

Your child may: Have difficulty forming or maintaining friendships. Struggle with transitions, changes in routine, or unexpected situations. Avoid eye contact, resist physical touch, or have difficulty reading social cues.

3. Motor Coordination & Body Awareness Issues

Your child may: Appear clumsy, frequently bumping into things or falling. Struggle with fine motor tasks like handwriting, buttoning clothes, or using utensils. Avoid playground activities like climbing or swinging.

4. Daily Life & Independence Struggles

Your child may: Have difficulty with basic self-care tasks (e.g., dressing, toothbrushing, toileting). Refuse or struggle with trying new foods (picky eating beyond typical toddler years). Seem to fatigue easily or lack endurance for daily activities.

At Move U, our team is trained in utilizing a relationship-based approach to meet your child where they are. Each treatment session is driven by the child while we add highly-skilled intervention to help overcome their struggles and make lasting changes. We prioritize connection, trust, and emotional safety in every single treatment session. We strive to provide constant communication and education of how best to support your child. We get to the root cause of “why” these struggles are happening and utilize a body-based approach to help your child develop self-regulation, confidence, and independence in a way that respects their unique sensory and emotional needs.

Next Steps

If any of these challenges sound familiar, early support can make a big difference. Let’s connect to see if OT is the right fit for your child. Our goal is to empower you as a parent and create a therapy plan that supports your child’s development in a way that is fun, joyful, yet highly effective! We offer free 20-minute consults or 1-hour treatment sessions where we develop a customized treatment plan to support their needs.

Move U 

Kristin Wittmayer 

Pediatric Occupational Therapist & Director of Move U 

5020 S Tennis Ln 

Suite 6 

Sioux Falls, SD 57108 

