As the summer sun begins to wane and the back-to-school countdown begins, start a family tradition of creating an End of Summer Bucket List. This tradition not only helps you savor the last golden days of summer but will also bring you all closer together as you plan fun and meaningful activities to enjoy before the hustle and bustle of the school year.
Why We Love A Bucket List Tradition
An End of Summer Bucket List is more than just a to-do list. It’s a way to:
Reconnect: After a summer of camps, vacations, and varying schedules, this tradition brings us together to spend quality time.
Create Memories: Each activity on your list is an opportunity to create lasting memories that you can look back on fondly.
Embrace the Season: Make the most of the warm weather and the freedom of summer days before they’re replaced by school routines.
How to Create A Bucket List
Creating a bucket list is a collaborative and fun process. Here’s how to do it:
Gather Around
Set aside an evening where everyone can be present. Gather around the kitchen table with snacks, markers, and a big piece of poster board.
Brainstorming Session
Each take turns sharing ideas for activities your want to do before summer ends. No idea is too big or too small—whether it’s a day trip to a nearby park, making s’mores in the backyard, or having a family movie marathon.
Narrowing Down
Once all the ideas are on the table, discuss and prioritize them. Aim for a mix of simple, everyday activities and a few special outings or projects.
Making It Visual
Write your final list on the poster board, adding drawings and decorations to make it fun and colorful. This goes up on the fridge where everyone can see it and stay excited.
Some Activities Ideas for your Bucket List
Create a blend of family’s favorite traditions and some new adventures:
Backyard Camping: Set up a tent in the backyard, roast marshmallows, and stargaze!
Beach Day: A trip to the beach for swimming, building sandcastles, and collecting seashells is a must before the weather cools down.
DIY Ice Cream Sundae Bar: Have a sundae-making party with all the toppings imaginable. It’s a sweet way to celebrate the season.
Nature Hike: Exploring a new trail and enjoying a picnic lunch in the great outdoors is a perfect way to spend a day together.
Family Game Night: Dedicate an evening to playing board games and card games, complete with popcorn and lots of laughter.
Making It Happen
To ensure you check off as many activities as possible, plan ahead!
Calendar Check: Look at our calendar and slot in specific dates for bigger activities, while keeping some days flexible for spontaneous fun.
Involve Everyone: Make sure that everyone is involved in the planning and execution of each activity. It’s a team effort that makes each event special.
Why It’s Worth It
An End of Summer Bucket List helps you cherish the fleeting days of summer and ensures that you enter the new school year with a sense of fulfillment and togetherness. It’s a simple tradition, but it brings immense joy and creates bonds that last a lifetime.
So, as the summer winds down, we encourage you to gather your family and make your own bucket list. Embrace the magic of the season and make the most of these precious moments together.