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In every issue of the ‘hood Magazine, we ask local experts questions that are helpful for our community! This Ask the Expert was printed in the January/February 2025 Issue of ‘hood. Check out the full digital issue at the link!
Question: What are the benefits of a Programmable Thermostat?
– You can set the thermostat to a specific temperature at a set time throughout the day. Most thermostats learn what it takes to adjust and heat or cool so that it is that temperature at that set time.
– Thermostats can learn your schedule when you are home or away with cell phones and adjust accordingly.
– You can set the temp back when you are sleeping.
– Helps in saving energy costs.
– Automatically adjust temperature so that you don’t have to remember to change it.
Advancements in thermostats have come a long way in the last 10 to 15 years. It is not always just about the temperature in your house.
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Travis Ball
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PO Box 1834
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