Little All-Stars Open Gym
Little All-Stars (Ages: 5 years old or under)
Wednesday: 9:00am-9:50am
Friday: 5:30pm-6:20pm
Saturday: 8:30am-9:20am
No! Just purchase a punch card in the AAGA app. When you arrive, stop at the front desk & we will punch your virtual punch card.
Athletes are welcome to wear a leotard or any clothing that is comfortable to move around in. Please avoid baggy clothing as that can get in the way when your child is on the equipment. Please avoid articles of clothing that have zippers, snaps, and/or buttons, or require a belt.
Great! We would love to have you! Please come at a time that correlates with your child’s age. Check in at the front desk and we will verify the absence in your Parent Portal account.
Hourly Schedule