Join us for a day filled with fall fun for all ages!!
FREE Admission 10am – 6pm, last admission of the day at 5:30pm.

Scarecrow scavenger hunt – staff + the SDSU Horticulture Club + the SDSU School of Design Sculpture class have created scarecrows placed throughout the gardens. Come see if you can find them all and meet some of the community’s up-and-coming student artists!

1pm – 4pm Horse-drawn hayrides through the Arboretum! Enjoy a fun hayride thanks to our favorite team of horses – Jamie & Barney and their owner, driver Mike Olson! Tickets required. Purchase on-site, day of only, inside the Education & Visitor Center beginning apprx 12:45pm with rides departing from the front of the Education & Visitor Center. Adults (18 & up) $10, SDSU students $5, Youth (6-17) $5, Kids (5 & younger) FREE.