Ah, last-minute Halloween costumes! Maybe you simply forgot to plan ahead (been there!), the costume broke, or your kiddo decided that they did not want to wear the carefully picked-out costume from weeks before. Nothing quite like planning ahead and then having a change of plans, haha! 

Need something to come together FAST? Using common household items, these costumes should come together in a flash.

Here are some favorites to get you inspired! 


Need: Black clothing, toilet paper, or fake spider web decorations 

Wear all black clothing and wrap the toilet paper/fake spider web around your body. Make sure to wrap up each leg and arm separately!  Wrap your head up, leave your eyes showing, to create a more scary mummy that is perfect for Halloween! 

Pajama Costumes 

Check out your kiddos pj’s for a costume! A princess nightgown, animal print, food themed, or favorite character pajama can make the perfect starting point for a great costume. Whether it be adding a crown, cat ears, fake sword, stuffed animal, or face paint your kiddos current pj’s can easily be made into a great costume! 


Need: All black outfit, foam board, markers, and a large paintbrush

Draw an oversized paint palette on the foam board (you could also use cardboard you paint white). Cut your palette out and color different color paints onto the board. Wear all black and carry your palette and paintbrush for a sophisticated artist costume! 


Need: Jeans, flannel shirt, suspenders (if you have them), hat, facepaint and a fake ax. 

Wear the janes, flannel and suspenders to create the base look for your lumberjack! To up the look add some facepaint, makeup would also work well, to make a beard. Carry a fax ax to complete the lumberjack look! 

To make a quick fake ax:

Find a cardboard tube, stick, small curtain rod, or wooden spoon to make into your handle. Make an ax head mold out of cardboard and attach the ax head to the handle with duct tape. Wrap the handle with brown paper and the ax head with aluminum foil. 


Need: Black pants, black and white striped shirt, black beanie, blank bag, and a black piece of fabric for a mask. 

Wearing the black pants, striped shirt and black beanie is the base of this quick DIY costume! Either draw a money symbol on the bag or cut one out to stick to the bag. As a costume bonus your “stolen money” bag can also be your candy bag for trick-or-treating! 

To make your robber mask, measure a piece of black fabric to comfortably fit as a mask. Make sure to leave enough fabric to tie it in the back! Cut two holes for your eyes. 


Need: An all khaki outfit, DIY zoo name tag, and a favorite stuffed animal

Start with wearing an all khaki outfit! Add a tan colored hat if you have one. Make a DIY Zoo name tag out of cardboard, foam board or even the back of a cereal box. Attach your name tag to your shirt. Carry your stuffed animal around with you. If you have a leash you could even add that to your zoo animal for an extra fun detail! 


Need: Dance Leotard, tights/leggings, old ballet shoes, and a tutu. 

If you have a dancer in the family this DIY costume comes together very quickly! Plus, those recital outfits that are only used once can have another purpose! Make sure to put your hair up into a dancer’s bun to complete the look! This is also a great costume to add some fun body or hair glitter too! 


Need: Overalls, green/red long-sleeve shirt, green/red hat, and black fabric or facepaint. 

Wear overalls and the right colored shirt for who you want to be (red-Mario and green-Luigi). Make a M or L with fabric or felt. Attach to your hat making sure to cover any logo underneath! Add a black mustache with either face paint, eyeliner, or fabric. If using fabric, glue it to your face with eyelash glue! 

You Got This!

With these quick DIY halloween costume ideas you won’t ever have to worry about running to the store and hoping there is a costume to buy left! Use what you already have at home to make a costume that your kiddo will love.