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Vision therapy helps build visual skills that are underdeveloped and interfering with everyday life, outside of simply wearing glasses. When eyes cannot track properly, students lose their place often or skip words/letters when reading and may have sloppy handwriting. When they cannot team or focus properly, students experience tired eyes, headaches, and even double vision.  
Vision therapy is a program of specific exercises tailored for each student to improve how the eyes track, team, and focus to be able to perform better at school and in activities. Students of all ages can benefit from Vision Therapy!  

Visions Eye Care + Therapy Center 
Dr. Ashley Gentrup 
Developmental Optometrist 

6201 S. Minnesota Ave. 
Sioux Falls, SD 57108 

Q. Where do giraffes and rhinos go in the winter?
 Our animals stay at the zoo all year, but some move indoors. Giraffes live inside their specially designed-barn. During the cold months, they get extra enrichment and continue training to ensure they stay stimulated. Their barn has indoor viewing, and guests can see the giraffes every day.   

Rhinos go inside when temperatures drop below 35 degrees. You can see them all winter, though, in their indoor viewing area. We do their veterinary procedures and training sessions in view of the public during the winter, which is always cool to see. Mud is important for protecting rhino skin, so they get weekly indoor mud baths. Both rhinos and giraffes enjoy piles of snow as enrichment! 

Great Plains Zoo 
Amanda Klein 
Africa Area Supervisor 

805 S Kiwanis 
Sioux Falls, SD 57107 

Q. What is your favorite thing about bowling?
 Anyone can do it! 
Bowling is for everyone and anyone. No matter your age, height, or weight, bowling provides an activity or sport for everyone. For me, I enjoy improving my skills and abilities over time.  
As a recreation, it is a great environment to enjoy with family and friends. Rain or shine, you know you can always have a good time at the bowling center.  
As a sport, putting in the time and energy to sharpen my skills while competing against the best bowlers drives me more and more. I also find knocking down ten objects with my shiny new orb to be quite therapeutic! 

Eastway Bowl 
Adam Danielsen 
Pro Shop Operator 

3201 E 10th St 
Sioux Falls, SD 57103 